必益教育创始人William Vanbergen在China Daily一篇报道中说过“Building bridges with China and creating better understanding between the two countries can only be a good thing. China and the UK have many positive things about them that students from both countries can learn from. The friendships formed by students studying and living together over several years helps to increase mutual understanding across cultures. Those friendships will last a lifetime and form the basis of trade and business relationships in the future. They may also help to reduce political and cultural misunderstandings, hopefully creating a more peaceful and prosperous future”
William Vanbergen先生旨在表明:中国留学生赴英留学有助于搭建中英桥梁,增进两国之间的理解,方便两国学生之间互相学习,为未来的贸易和商业关系打下坚固的基础。再者多年的文化交流可以搭建两国之间的友谊,减少政治和文化误解,最终是为了创造更加平和繁荣的未来。
对于准留学生来说,ISEB Common Pre-Tests、UKiset、CAT4等考试事关留学成败,是英国低龄留学路上的必经关卡。而必益教育深受考试委员会以及英国私校的信赖,成为了英国UKiset认证考试中心以及多所英国知名私校指定的ISEB-Common entrance升学考试及A-Level考试考点。同时,必益教育也是UCAS官方注册中心,致力于助力中国学子申请包括英国在内的全球各地的高等院校。
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