

Waki Relic Musuem Dr Teo honoured invited to attend 50 years of Vatican-Wat Phra Chetuphon Friendship between two traditional religions with the Buddhist

华琪舍利子博物馆主席张秋源博士荣誉受邀参与泰国赴梵蒂冈代表团共同出席梵地冈天主教及泰国皇家寺庙卧佛寺两大宗教友谊五十周年。此代表团是由最尊敬的的高僧颂德帕拉玛哈迪拉赞 (Somdet Phra Mahathirachan)与32名佛教僧侣,60名居士以及泰国天主教会的代表组成共同出席以纪念1972年6月5日教皇保罗六世与泰国第17任最高僧王尊敬的崇迪瓦纳拉塔纳(Somdej Phra Wannarat)会晤50周年。

The President of Waki Relic Musuem, Dr. Teo honoured invited to attend 50 years of Vatican-Wat Phra Chetuphon Friendship between two traditional religions with the Buddhist Delegation from Thailand on 17th June 2022. The Delegation from Thailand composed of thirty-nine prominent Buddhist monks of both the Theravada and Mahayana schools, together with sixty-five lay Buddhists and several representatives of the Thai Catholic Church. The purpose of visit has been to commemorate the golden jubilee of the historic meeting of the Most Venerable Somdej Phra Wannarat, the seventeenth Supreme Buddhist Patriarch of Thailand, with the Pope Saint Paul VI, on 5 June 1972

在会议上, 高僧颂德帕拉玛哈迪拉赞致词中表示今天对我和所有僧团成员来说是一个吉祥的时刻。这是因为罗马天主教会最高 教宗方济各教皇在梵蒂冈城向我和所有来自不同宗教的朋友表达了他的善意和友好的 欢迎。 罗马天主教堂与泰国皇家寺院臥佛寺之间的美好友谊一直延续至今。来自同一间寺院的 前任住持泰国第十七任僧王-最尊贵的颂德帕拉瓦纳拉塔纳 (Somdet Phra Wannarat) 于 1972 年 6 月 5 日 访问梵蒂冈城并谒见教皇保禄六世。那次的会面被视为一座美丽 的友谊桥梁。 此后,泰国僧团代表团有机会拜会历任教皇.

In the Jubilee, the most respected Venerable Somdej Mahathirachan spoke that he is on behalf of the Sangha Supreme Council of Thailand, the Sangha Assembly of Wat Phra Chetuphon (Wat Pho), Bangkok and friends of different traditional religions coming from Thailand, acknowledge today as an auspicious occasion for me and for all members of the delegation. This is because His Holiness, Pope Francis, Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church, has offered His kindness and a warm welcome of friendship to me and to all our friends of different religions here, at the Vatican City.

此外, 天主教教宗方濟各在会议上致词中表示“ 当我们人类的大家庭 -- 我们的地球正面临着多重威胁的时候,如此的友善对话和密切 合作就变的愈加需要。令人悲伤的事,我们从四方八面听到人们伤痛的哭泣与破裂地球 的呐喊。

Our beautiful friendship between the Roman Catholic Church and Wat Phra Chetuphon of the Kingdom of Thailand lasts, since the Most Venerable Somdet Phra Wannarat, former abbot of the same temple (The 17th Supreme Patriarch of Thailand) visited the Vatican City and had an audience with Pope Paul VI, on 5 June 1972. This meeting is seen as a beautiful bridge of friendship. Since then, delegations of the Sangha Assembly of Thailand have had opportunities to visit successive Popes.

佛陀和耶稣明白必须克服导致衝突和暴力的私利主义。《法句经》第 183 句总 结了佛陀的教义:“避开恶,培养善,净化自己的心,这是佛陀的教法”(Dph 183)。耶 稣告诉他的门徒:“我给你们一条新诫,你们要彼此相爱。正如我爱你们一样,你们也应 该彼此相爱”(约 13:34)。我们今天的任务是引导各自有关的追随者,令他们更清晰的 知道应当知道的真实- -我们全部都是兄弟姐妹。基于此,我们必须一同培育慈悲和宽 容接纳所有人,特别是贫困和被边缘化的人。

The most repested Pope Francis addressed that at a time when our human family and our Planet are facing manifold threats, such friendly dialogue and close collaboration are all the more necessary. Sadly, on all sides we hear the cry of a wounded humanity and broken earth. The Buddha and Jesus understood the need to overcome the egoism that gives rise to conflict and violence. The Dhammapada sums up the Buddha's teachings thus: "To avoid evil, to cultivate good, and to cleanse one's mind - this is the teaching of the Buddha" (Dph 183). Jesus told his disciples: "I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another" (Jn 13:34). Our task today is to guide our respective followers to a more vivid sense of the truth that we are all brothers and sisters. It follows that we should work together to cultivate compassion and hospitality for all human beings, especially the poor and marginalized.

天主教教宗方濟各热情招待并与每位出席的代表团员会面握手, 脸上满是慈祥的笑容。最尊敬的的高僧颂德帕拉玛哈迪拉赞及泰国赴梵蒂冈代表团赠礼予教宗方濟各以促进两大宗教的美好友谊。此外,华琪舍利子博物馆主席张秋源博士感到万分的荣幸结缘华琪舍利子塔予天主教教宗方濟各于梵蒂冈. 此次会晤上场面气氛十分祥和, 代表团员感受到两大宗教和谐共同散诲以利益所有的大众并有利于世界和平。

The most respected Pope Francis warmly welcomed all the delegates with a kind smile. The most respected Venerable Somdej Mahathirakorn and all the Thai delegation to the Vatican presented gifts to Pope Francis as a bond of beautiful friendship between the two religions. In addition, the president of Waki RelicMusuem, Dr. Teo felt honored to present the Waki Relic Pagoda to Pope Francis. The meeting was held in a very peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. All the delegates could feel the goodwill and harmony between these two religions that would benefit all the people and world peace.

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